given name western script(关于荷兰的英语介绍)

given name western script(关于荷兰的英语介绍)

英语翻译Given the difference in technological development betwee

英语翻译Given the difference in technological development between most Eastern European countries and the United States and Japan,the effects on Western European prices will depend,in the short run,on transfer problem issues and,in the long run,on the likely biases in Eastern Europe’s growth.The transfer problem point is concerned with the consumption demands of countries which receive available international credit supplies.If loans to developing countries shift from availability to Latin American countries,which have a relatively high propensity to consume U.S.goods,to availability to Eastern European countries,which have a lower propensity to consume U.S.goods and a higher propensity to consume German goods,the price of German exports will rise relative to the price of U.S.exports.This would lead to an improvement in the terms of trade of Germany and a worsening of the terms of trade of the United States.Note,however,that in the long term,the analysis of terms of trade effects should also consider whether the biases in economic growth in Eastern Europe will be in sectors of the economy more closely aligned with the export industries of Germany or of the United States.The greater the similarity of the export-oriented industrial push in Eastern European with the existing industries in Germany,the greater the supply side reversal of the favorable German terms of trade movement which had arisen from the demand side forces of the transfer problem.

英语翻译eveybody has a name.parents choose names for their child

英语翻译eveybody has a name.parents choose names for their children.what kind of names do they choose?where do nams come from,and what do they mean?most given names are either girls’or boys’names.but some names can be the same for boys and girls,like kim or alex.some girls’names are the names of flowers,like lily or iris.many western names come from the bible,like mark and peper for boys,andruth for names are interesthing black’s name is a color.a longtime ago,mr butcher sold meat.and mr robinson was the son of a man called robin.


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